Proximity Point City

Real Estate Mapping

We turned thousands of plots on a real-estate development master plan to a to-scale interactive map


Zoomable, Scrollable Map

Python Edge-detection ML

JS Interactive Maps Libraries


Real Estate Mapping

We turned thousands of plots on a real-estate development master plan to a to-scale interactive map

Proximity Point City is a futuristic master-planned development in Kenya that offers the Kenyan diaspora the opportunity of owning a piece of home. They wanted to make the process of purchasing a plot of land accessible to anyone in the world, and so they needed a tool that could allow someone to select any of thousands of subdivided lots, and claim it by submitting a downpayment.

We turned their master plan into a to-scale interactive map that was zoomable and scrollable. More that that, we made each plot of land clickable by means of Edge-Detection Machine Learning. Finally we integrated payments so that buyers can transact directly on the platform.